Otorhinolaryngology or Ear Nose & Throat Specialty (ENT) is a Magical medical specialty.
It is Magical because it deals with four out of the five human senses and with four of the most important functions of the human body! Smell, Taste, Hearing and Touch (through the lips and tongue) are almost exclusively covered by the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialty. . Otorhinolaryngology deals with the vital function of Breathing, with Swallowing (food and water), with Phonation, which is necessary for the formation of speech, and with the function of Balance. |
WIth all these senses and functions, the human understands the environment in which he lives, places his body within the three-dimentional space and aquires equilibrium while he moves. He breaths, eats, chooses which food to consume, avoids dangers, expreses his needs and thoughts, listens to the others, communicates, makes choices, makes decisions.
He falls in love, enjoys and LIVES. |
An Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Doctor is a very fortunate proffessional, as he not only deals with the LIFE of the patients but, at the same time, he deals with the equally important QUALITY of their LIFE.
I welcome you to my professional website where you can find details about my practice in Kalamata city and the services that are offerd, as well as information on common Otolaryngology/ENT diseases and operations. Panagiotis Kousoulis MD, DAvSpMed(USAF), DO-HNS, FEBORL-HNS Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Doctor |
Panagiotis Kousoulis
Diploma in Aviation and Aerospace Medicine - Texas, USA
Diploma in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery - Royal College of Surgeons, UK
Fellow of the European Board in Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery